DataDog (AKA Data) is the alter ego of Jon Tapp (refered to herein as JT). It all started when JT was cleaning out an observation room at work and found Data in a box full of odd junk. JT put Data on his hand and Data took on a life of his own. Data now travels the world with anyone who will have him and brings back pictures from his adventures. Data gets to do all the things that JT wants to do but can't due to societal restrictions placed on all American married males. In the year 2000, JT and TW went in together and started this website so that Data's adventures could be shared with the world. Click on the links to the right to access Data's photo archive and other links that Data likes. If you have any ideas about where you'd like to see data or if you want to take him on your next trip (and will give us pictures) contact JT. We hope these pictures will inspire you to get in the data dog sprit of having some fun at all costs. Enjoy!


The Data Dog Photo Archives
(arranged loosely by trip)

Music City Brewers Club
(Data likes beer)

JT's Home Page
(somebody has to link there)

The Kennedy Center
(They pay JT so he can buy me dog food and girls)