Taking the Work Out of Blood Work: A Parent's Guide

Social Stories™

Doctor and Parnt with stories

Many people with ASD benefit from having a written guide for situations that may be new, scary, or confusing. A Social Story™ is a helpful way to provide this guide for blood draws.

The goal of a Social Story™ is to help your child understand the situation and to help decrease anxiety that comes from entering an unknown situation. Social Stories™ give individuals social information through pictures and text instead of spoken word, which can be difficult for individuals with ASD.

If your child already uses Social Stories™, this is a perfect time to use one. If you have not used Social Stories™ before, a brief description is given about the purpose of a Social Story™ and key points to consider when writing a Social Story™. Sample stories are given here. Strategies known as story-based interventions have been researched enough to be considered an established treatment for children with ASD. For more information about evidence-based treatments, go to the National Standards Project at www.nationalautismcenter.org.

Tips for writing a Social Story™

When to read a Social Story™

Social Stories™ were created by Carol Gray. For more information about them, visit www.thegraycenter.org.