Taking the Work Out of Blood Work: A Provider's Guide

Responding During the Visit

Accommodations That Can Be Made

Doctor responding to a child and parent

Children with ASD may need additional accommodations during clinic visits in order to ensure success. Although parents may implement strategies as well, having clinic staff facilitate the use of these will be beneficial. Ideas include:

When to Change the Pace of the Procedure

In general, procedures should move quickly and efficiently to avoid escalation of anxiety or irritability. The clinical team will have to use judgment to determine if taking extra time to explain, distract, or comfort would be beneficial. Concerns about safety or comfort should prompt careful consideration. Taking a short break or slowing the pace of a routine procedure may be necessary. This may allow more time for the use of relaxation or distraction strategies. The team should discuss ahead of time the types of scenarios that would change the course of the procedure. For example, a child with increasing agitation may benefit from the implementation of guided relaxation techniques before proceeding.

When to Stop or Reschedule the Procedure

Although the information that results from the phlebotomy and laboratory analyses may be clinically important, the clinical staff must constantly evaluate the benefits and risks of continuing a procedure. The clinic staff must use their clinical judgment to determine if a procedure should be stopped or postponed. For children with ASD, there are many reasons to consider discontinuing a routine procedure.