Large-scale Databases (Core E)

VKC IDDRC investigators have access to a large-scale, de-identified EHR database of IDDs of interest. This database includes basic demographic information and information on census-level socioeconomic status for ~ one million unique patients, along with their diagnostic profiles, lab reports, and prescription records. In contrast to general data pulls that IDDRC investigators may initiate themselves, Data Science Core provides access to the IDD-curated database that has been fully cleaned, including (1) filtering errors associated with de-identification steps, and (2) completing an additional step of validating diagnostic codes (ICD) by requiring at least 2 instances of the occurrence of that ICD code for each patient.

Moreover, Data Science Core service assists investigators in the use of BioVU/SD/ImageVU resource (available to VU/VUMC investigators) to create easily accessible, IDD-relevant, disorder-specific EMR databases with matched controls. Once such resources are created, Data Science Core personnel will assist the investigator with generating and testing disorder-specific hypotheses using these cutting-edge data sources. Once a clear study plan is formulated, Data Science Core interfaces with BioVU/SD/ImageVU staff to access, to download and to clean resulting data.

Contact: Bennett Landman, Ph.D.

Key Personnel