EEG/ERP research

An event-related potential (ERP) is any stereotyped electrophysiological response to an internal or external stimulus. More simply, it is any measured brain response that is directly the result of a thought or perception. ERPs can be reliably measured using electroencephalography (EEG), a procedure that measures electrical activity of the brain through the skull and scalp. Electroencephalography creates a set of lines, called brain waves, that is used to look at brain activity. Measuring differences in brain waves allows researchers to study changes in brain activity in response to stimuli.

Studies related to the topic: EEG/ERP research

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People related to the topic: EEG/ERP research

Carissa Cascio, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Alexander Conley, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Center for Cognitive Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Blythe A. Corbett, Ph.D.
James G. Blakemore Chair and Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Professor of Psychology; Director, Division of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Elisabeth Dykens, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, and Pediatrics

Gary Jacobson, Ph.D.
Professor of Hearing & Speech Sciences

Sarika Peters, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Director, IDDRC Behavioral Phenotyping Core (Core D)

Mark Wallace, Ph.D.
Louise B. McGavock Endowed Chair; Professor of Hearing & Speech Sciences, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, and Psychology; Director, IDDRC Behavioral Phenotyping Core (Core D)

Paul J. Yoder, Ph.D.
Professor of Special Education, Emeritus

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