Mental health services

Mental health services refers to an array of public and private services available for the maintenance of mehtal health and the treatment of mental disorders. Mental health services for children are a significant need. Estimates are that 12% of children under 18 have mental disorders, and estimates for socioeconomically disadvantaged children are even larger, 20% or higher. Unfortunately, many children end up not receiving the help they need because families lack financial means, transportation, or motivation. Providing mental health services for children and/or parents in schools that children attend is a way of improving accessibility to mental health services and preventing the development of serious emotional disorders.

Studies related to the topic: Mental health services

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People related to the topic: Mental health services

Susan M. Adams, Ph.D.
Professor of Nursing, Emerita

Leonard Bickman, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology Emeritus

Thomas Catron, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, and Pediatrics

Vicki Harris, Ph.D.
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology & Human Development and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Edwin Trevathan, M.D., M.P.H.
Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology

Amy Weitlauf, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics; TRIAD Associate Director of Research

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