Preschool education

Preschool education describes the education of children prior to the age when they are deemed prepared for formal group schooling; i.e., kindergarten or first grade in elementary school. This may occur in the child's home, in preschool/nursery school or day care settings. Preschool is generally considered appropriate for children three to five years of age, between the toddler and school stages. During this stage of development, children learn and assimilate information rapidly, and express interest and fascination in each new discovery.

People related to the topic: Preschool education

Penelope H. Brooks, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Emerita, Peabody College

Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D.
Professor of Special Education

Ann P. Kaiser, Ph.D.
Susan Gray Chair in Education and Human Development; Professor of Special Education and Psychology

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