How do I access the Communication and Autism Asynchronous Learning Course?

TRIAD is providing free online modules for LEA faculty and staff in Tennessee who directly serve autistic students in a PreK-12 setting. This online course's purpose is to increase educators' capacity to support and promote communication skills through evidence-based strategies.

Step 1: Register

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Register" located in the right corner of the page
  3. Fill out the form and select "TRIAD" under “Choose the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Division for Course Access”
  4. You will receive an email for verification. Once you do, click the link to verify your account.

Step 2: Login

  1. Login at
  2. Click the arrow at “My Courses”
  3. Click “Course Access Code”
  4. Type "CAC2324" in the access code field and click the arrow button to submit
  5. Go back to "My courses" and Communication and Autism Asynchronous Course should appear. Click to open.
  6. Complete enrollment form within the course prior to starting.

Need help?

Sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Education, through the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) and available at no cost to LEAs in Tennessee.

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TRIAD is a proud member of the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) through the Tennessee Department of Education. TRIAD, the autism institute at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, provides training, consultation, and coaching services for supporting educators and developing school and system-wide supports to address needs specific to autistic students, Pre-K-12.

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