Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders

TRIAD’s Guide for Embedding Social Validity into Practice

While the following document was developed for specific behavior analytic services at TRIAD, it could serve as a reasonable model for other practitioners to modify and adjust for use within their practice.

This document is the foundation of TRIAD’s community-informed practice approach to behavior analytic services, meaning content was informed and reviewed by various community members and shareholders. The questions are designed to aid TRIAD’s behavior analytic professionals in evaluating their own decision making in practice to ensure compliance with applicable Ethics Code for Behavior Analysis items in behavior analytic practice. This document is intended to be used as a guide in the manner most helpful to you. As such, this document may serve as self-reflection questions, questions to discuss with a thought partner, questions to the people we are serving, caregivers, and all relevant shareholders. Regardless of the exact method of use, we should be consistently checking in with this document throughout case management to promote ethical reflection and practice.

At the beginning of each section listed on the table of contents below, we have a brief introduction to the contents of the corresponding questions as well as recommendations for when each section may be most helpful to review.

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