Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Academic Consults

Vanderbilt’s Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD) will provide support to educators in the design and delivery of academic instruction in reading, writing, and/or math. Special education teachers and general education teachers serving autistic students will work with a TRIAD consultant to implement existing curricula with a specific learner or with a group of learners, including identifying additional resources to use with diverse learners. TRIAD consultants and educators will use remote coaching, video reflection and/or online modules to set individualized goals for professional development. Educators and TRIAD consultants will work together for anywhere from 4 weeks to the school year, depending on progress towards goals and educator needs and availability.

Participant Requirements
  1. Educators can register as individuals or with colleagues teaching similar students and/or using similar instructional approaches.
  2. Educators in inclusive, resource, or self-contained settings serving the academic needs to students with IEPs are welcome to participate.
  3. Educators will need to agree to remote observations, meetings, and video reflection.
  4. Readings, online modules, or other resources may be shared with educators.
  5. Additional details regarding participation requirements for ongoing collaboration are outlined in a participant agreement. 
Training Topics
  • Engagement with academic instruction for autistic students and/or students with significant, moderate, or mild cognitive impairments
  • Instructional routines to use with a specific student or groups of students
  • Planning engaging instruction
  • Delivery of engaging instruction
  • Support in using existing curricular resources in classroom
  • Identification of additional materials for the district to consider purchasing and implementing
Workshop Format
  • Online modules
  • Individualized consultation via zoom
  • Individualized coaching via zoom
  • Video self-reflection
Coaching Format Some academic consultations may include coaching, which will include some or all of the following:
  • Format: delivered remotely, with zoom and/or video reflection
  • Technology required: webcam
  • Frequency: At least bi-weekly
Online Learning Assignments Online learning may be a part of some academic consultations. Online learning will include some of all of the following
  • Format: asynchronous online modules
  • Length: approximately 15 minutes in length per module
  • Number: individualized based on educator goals
  • Location: TRIAD online learning portal
  • Homework: there may be additional task assigned, including readings, or reviewing of sample videos.
Proof of Attendance Professional development hours are dependent on the length of the consultation, how many modules are viewed, the number of coaching sessions, and the amount of time spent in consultation with TRIAD.

Sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Education, through the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) and available at no cost to LEAs in Tennessee.

TRIAD is a proud member of the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) through the Tennessee Department of Education. TRIAD, the autism institute at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, provides training, consultation, and coaching services for supporting educators and developing school and system-wide supports to address needs specific to autistic students, Pre-K-12.

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