Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders


Community Engagement Program

The mission of the Community Engagement Program is to promote awareness, accessibility and belonging of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by building capacity throughout a community network of arts, education, athletic, and entertainment organizations.

What we do

Focused on creating meaningful experiences and opportunities to belong through participation in programs and representation within the organization. We exclusively recommend supports that are research-based rather than supports designed to allow for individuals to tolerate environments without allowing for meaningful participation.

woman and young boy with violin

How we do it

  • Ongoing, community-based approach - Committed to changing the culture at organizations to value neurodiverse individuals and their contributions to the organization’s mission.
  • Not a one-size fits all approach - Individualized support creating evidence-based supports for general accessibility, programs, volunteer and employment opportunities, etc.

dad and son at public event
Your donation helps to make arts and culture accessible to all.



The Community Engagement Program Advisory Committee aims to offer more meaningful opportunities for input and feedback from network members including autistic people, other self-advocates, parent-advocates, disability organizations, and a collection of community organizations that represent the network as a whole.

Duties include:

  • Guide direction of network
  • Set goals for network and network members
  • Discuss appropriate verbiage based off feedback from autistic community
  • Identify most pressing topics to address with network



Contact Information

For general inquiries email