Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders
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Early Intervention Services
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School-Based Services(Pre-K to 12)
If you are an educator seeking TRIAD’s school-based training opportunities, click here to see all programs.
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4/1/2025 An Acoustic Evening for Autism: Benefiting VKC's Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders
4/3/2025 TRIAD Early Intervention Provider Communities of Practice: Foundations of Learning
4/8/2025 Increasing Academic Engagement for All Workshop
4/10/2025 Tennessee Disability Pathfinder Webinar: "Navigating DDA Services for Aging Adults"
4/21/2025 TRIAD Families First Webinar - Understanding Behavior [Virtual]
5/8/2025 TRIAD Early Intervention Provider Communities of Practice: Foundations of Learning
5/28/2025 TRIAD Behavior Leadership Webinar Series: Providing free access to public education for the most exceptional students
6/2/2025 Autism School Leadership Academy (TSLA) / Administrator Workshop
6/4/2025 Autism School Leadership Academy (TSLA) / Administrator Workshop
6/12/2025 TRIAD Early Intervention Provider Communities of Practice: Foundations of Learning
6/13/2025 Autism School Leadership Academy (TSLA) / Administrator Workshop
7/17/2025 ADOS Clinical Training for School-based Providers and School Teams – West TN
7/31/2025 ADOS Clinical Training for School-based Providers and School Teams – Middle TN
8/28/2025 ADOS Clinical Training for School-based Providers and School Teams – East TN