Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Diagnostic and Care Management Resources for Medical and Other Pediatric Providers

The following free resources were developed by VKC TRIAD for medical providers and other pediatric professionals. These resources are listed by category and were designed to help providers increase screening and assessment skills for autism as well as learn how to best support families within their setting. Browse our collection and check back as we continue to add new resources. Join our email list for updates and training opportunities.

It is important to note that any provider who provides a diagnosis of autism should have appropriate training, licensure/certification, and supervision as needed. Any resource or tool reviewed below is not meant to stand alone. Instead, providers should seek further training as to how to best integrate these resources into their clinical practice and are encouraged to contact our team for information about more comprehensive training opportunities.

Autism Assessment Tools

The following are free assessment tools designed by the team at VKC TRIAD/VUMC. Each of these tools are designed to part of a broader diagnostic evaluation for autism. Click on the arrows to access a brief description of the tool as well as a link to free trainings and other resources.

The ASD-PEDS is a free tool developed for the observation of autism-related behaviors in toddlers and young children. The ASD-PEDS consists of several brief play-based activities designed to elicit social communication and interaction and to assess for the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. It is designed to be used in person across different settings. (e.g., in a medical office/clinic or home setting), using commonly available, low-cost toys. The ASD-PEDS takes 15-30 minutes to administer, depending on child, provider, and caregiver behaviors.

Learn more and view the ASD-PEDS training manual and supports  

The TAP is a free tool designed for use by providers and families during a telehealth assessment for autism. Using TAP, a provider walks a caregiver or other provider through several basic play tasks with their child. These tasks allow the provider to watch for the presence of autism characteristics as part of a broader diagnostic assessment.

Learn more and view the TAP training manual and supports  

Resources and Additional Supports for Diagnostic Decision Making

This one-page checklist was designed to help facilitate clinical decision making for autism diagnoses in young children. There is no cut-off score related to this checklist; instead, providers can keep track of characteristics that are observed or reported as part of their documentation and overall conclusions.

View or download “DSM-5 Checklist” in PDF format  

This caregiver interview template provides questions that are tied to the current DSM-5 characteristics for autism in young children. Providers can document and confirm caregiver reports related to autism characteristics as part of their diagnostic decision making and documentation. There is no cut-off score for this interview but it will help providers learn how to formulate diagnostic questions and elicit caregiver developmental concerns.

View or download “Caregiver Autism Interview” in PDF format  

This resource provides information related to key differential considerations related to autism in young children. It is crucial to be familiar with other important medical, psychological, social/emotional, and cultural contexts that impact a child’s behavior and development. When the impact of these key areas is complex or unknown, then it is strongly recommended that providers seek consultation with specialists and/or refer for appropriate evaluations within the areas of uncertainty.

View or download “Key Differential Considerations” in PDF format  

Brief Online Modules to Increase Autism-Specific Clinical Skills

The online modules below were developed to support pediatric providers and primary care providers in helping their patients and families through the diagnostic process and autism-specific follow-up.

This training is designed to support providers in discussing autism characteristics with families - whether they are delivering formal diagnoses themselves, or navigating conversations around autism-related characteristics and common questions. Model scripts/discussion points, audio/video examples, interactive learning activities, and links to resources are included. Providers will learn to:

  • Structure and lead discussions around autism-related observations
  • Support family understanding across a range of common scenarios and cultural contexts
  • Provide support and guidance related to next steps/resources aligned with family priorities
  • Respond to frequently asked questions surrounding autism diagnosis

The estimated time to complete this training is 30-45 minutes.

Launch the training here ➔

This training is designed to support primary care providers in helping families navigate best practice recommendations following a diagnosis of autism. Model scripts/discussion points, audio/video examples, interactive learning activities, and links to resources are included. Providers will learn to:

  • Structure a post-diagnosis follow-up appointment for a family of child receiving an initial diagnosis of autism
  • Discuss common referrals, recommendations, and resources related to autism and co-occurring developmental challenges
  • Complete a checklist embedded within the electronic health record that helps providers align with family priorities and best practices related to next steps/resources
  • Document important progress within the health record and review standard handouts related to targeted priority areas (e.g., initial care coordination, accessing services, developmental and behavioral challenges)

The estimated time to complete this training is 20-30 minutes.

Launch the training here ➔

ASD-PRIME is an interactive series of online modules designed to increase familiarity with autism diagnosis and provide follow-up care for young children their families. Many of the modules contain downloadable/printable clinical care guides and family resources. Providers will learn to:

  • Understand the major benefits and limits of current diagnostic models and tools
  • Become more familiar with the core characteristics of autism
  • Become more familiar with developmental and autism screening and diagnostic tools
  • Better develop diagnostic impressions related to multiple sources of data
  • Provide support and guidance related to next steps/resources

The estimated time to complete this training is 2 hours.

Launch the training here ➔

This module is designed for clinicians wanting to embed the CARS-2 as part of their diagnostic evaluation process and documentation. The CARS-2 is a clinician rating scale that can be used to help integrate diagnostic information, quantify autism-related behaviors, and support next steps in pursuing targeted intervention. Due to the proprietary materials included in the CARS-2, this module is password protected and reserved for clinicians who have completed TRIAD-facilitated training (e.g., workshop or training sequence). Please contact your trainer if you have not received the password.

Providers will learn to:

  • Integrate clinical information to be able to score and interpret the CARS-2 Standard Form
  • Summarize the results of the CARS-2 and embed in your documentation report

Launch the training here ➔

TRIAD’s Families First offers free workshops and online trainings for families of children with autism. Families First’s goal is to equip caregivers with practical tools to support their child and to give caregivers an opportunity to talk with other caregivers with similar questions or concerns. Workshops are offered live/virtually and past workshops are archived for future viewing. Topics include addressing challenging behaviors, toilet training, developing successful sleep habits, and encouraging play and communication. Pediatric providers are encouraged to review example pages with families as well as learn strategies on their own.

View/register for upcoming trainings here  
View a sample of prior virtual events and resources here  .

Resources for Documentation, Implementation, and Clinic Flow

This sample report was designed as a shell for providers wanting to formally document characteristics of autism and/or a diagnosis. It is crucial to remember that this template is a general guide, and that the actual report should vary based on the specific circumstance of the child being assessed. Each report should be tailored to the child’s specific needs as well as regional resources/services. This sample report is designed to help facilitate the family accessing services and resources. It is not designed to create specific goals for skill development or tailored intervention planning.

View or download “Sample Report” in PDF format  

Ongoing Live Trainings and Workshops (Virtual and In-Person)

The TRIAD Global Collaborative provides training and technical assistance to groups interested in advancing knowledge and skill in autism care and support. Our mission is to support partnerships that advance the development and implementation of culturally responsive autism services and education programs across diverse international communities.

Additional Resources for Tennessee Providers

The Tennessee Cares Network at Vanderbilt University Medical Center provides general resources and navigation to providers and families. Please visit the website for additional guidance and resources specific to families and providers in Tennessee.

Learn more here  

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder helps families and providers find and access resources, support, and services to meet needs of children with disabilities. Contact Pathfinder for help with connecting to services, early intervention, school districts, and multicultural supports.

Learn more here  

Citations and Resources for Continued Learning

Foster, T., Bahrami, L., Miller, C., Miller, H., Muccilli, K., Warren, Z., & Hine, J.F. (2024, January 30). Diagnostic and Care Management Resources for Medical and Other Pediatric Providers.

Streamlining In-Person Autism Assessment and Support:

Bahrami, L., Miller, C. T., Miller, H., Carlson, K. L., Foster, T. E., Ganesh, A., Johnson, D., Patterson, B. L., & Hine, J. F. (2024). Enhancing diagnostic follow-up and care coordination for children with autism in a busy resident continuity clinic: Leveraging the electronic health record. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1(9), 1–9.

Corona, L. L., Wagner, L., Wade, J., Weitlauf, A. S., Hine, J., Nicholson, A., Stone, C., Vehorn, A., & Warren, Z. (2021). Toward novel tools for autism identification: Fusing computational and clinical expertise. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(9), 4003–4012.

Hine, J. F., Allin, J., Allman, A., Black, M., Browning, B., Ramsey, B., Swanson, A., Warren, Z., Zawoyski, A., & Allen, W. (2019). Increasing access to autism spectrum disorder diagnostic consultation in rural and underserved communities: Streamlined evaluation within primary care. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 41(1), 16–22.

Hine, J. F., Herrington, C., Rothman, A., Mace, R., Patterson, B., & Carlson, K. (2018). Embedding autism spectrum disorder diagnosis within the medical home: Decreasing wait times through streamlined assessment. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2846–2853.

Hine, J. F., Wagner, L., Goode, R., Rodrigues, V., Taylor, J. L., Weitlauf, A., & Warren, Z. E. (2021). Enhancing developmental-behavioral pediatric rotations by teaching residents how to evaluate autism in primary care. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 25(5), 1492–1496.

Honaker, M. G., Weitlauf, A. S., Swanson, A. R., Hooper, M., Sarkar, N., Wade, J., & Warren, Z. E. (2023). Paisley: Preliminary validation of a novel app-based e-Screener for ASD in children 18–36 months. Autism Research.

Wagner, L. (2021). ASD-PEDS-Primary care: Stakeholder refinement and implementation planning for a novel tool to identify ASD in primary care. Society for Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (SDBP) Research Grant.

Tele-diagnostic Assessment:

Corona, L. L., Wagner, L., Hooper, M., Weitlauf, A., Foster, T. E., Hine, J., Miceli, A., Nicholson, A., Stone, C., Vehorn, A., & Warren, Z. (2024). A randomized trial of the accuracy of novel telehealth instruments for the assessment of autism in toddlers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54(6), 2069–2080.

Corona, L. L., Weitlauf, A. S., Hine, J., Berman, A., Miceli, A., Nicholson, A., Stone, C., Broderick, N., Francis, S., Juárez, A. P., & Vehorn, A. (2021). Parent perceptions of caregiver-mediated telemedicine tools for assessing autism risk in toddlers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51, 476–486.

Corona, L. L., Stainbrook, J. A., Simcoe, K., Wagner, L., Fowler, B., Weitlauf, A. S., Juárez, A. P., & Warren, Z. (2021). Utilization of telemedicine to support caregivers of young children with ASD and their Part C service providers: A comparison of intervention outcomes across three models of service delivery. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 13, 1–3.

Juárez, A. P., Weitlauf, A. S., Nicholson, A., Pasternak, A., Broderick, N., Hine, J., Stainbrook, J. A., & Warren, Z. (2018). Early identification of ASD through telemedicine: Potential value for underserved populations. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2601–2610.

Stainbrook, J. A., Weitlauf, A. S., Juárez, A. P., Taylor, J. L., Hine, J., Broderick, N., Nicholson, A., & Warren, Z. (2019). Measuring the service system impact of a novel telediagnostic service program for young children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 23(4), 1051–1056.

Wagner, L., Corona, L. L., Weitlauf, A. S., Marsh, K. L., Berman, A. F., Broderick, N. A., Francis, S., Hine, J., Nicholson, A., Stone, C., & Warren, Z. (2020). Use of the TELE-ASD-PEDS for autism evaluations in response to COVID-19: Preliminary outcomes and clinician acceptability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Wagner, L., Foster, T., Bonnet, K., Spitler, A. K., Schlundt, D., & Warren, Z. (2024). Identifying the unique determinants influencing rural families’ engagement with an existing tele-assessment approach for autism identification: A qualitative study. Autism.

Wagner, L., Weitlauf, A. S., Hine, J., Corona, L. L., Berman, A. F., Nicholson, A., Allen, W., Black, M., & Warren, Z. (2022). Transitioning to telemedicine during COVID-19: Impact on perceptions and use of telemedicine procedures for the diagnosis of autism in toddlers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(5), 2247–2257.

For questions or training opportunities, please contact

This resource portal was supported in part through the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) and the Autism CARES Act #H6MMC332360100 (The Tennessee Cares Network at Vanderbilt University Medical Center), and Department of Defense Award #HT9425-23-1-0668: Training the Future Pediatric Workforce to Implement Best Practices for ASD within Primary Care