Autism-related materials

Download and print resources produced by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. If you need materials in an accessible format, please contact or call (615) 322-8240.

To access courses, first register for a free account at: then click on the links below.

‣ For Family/Caregiver/Self-Advocates

Autism Parent Guide [Early Childhood] ⤓
Autism Parent Guide [School-Age] ⤓
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Tips and Resources ⤓
Building a Home-School Partnership [School-Age] ⤓ | Course
Evidence-Based Practices for Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Tips and Resources ⤓
Faith Community Visual Supports ⤓
From Early Intervention to School-Age: A Toolkit for Parents [Early Childhood] PDF ⤓ | Course
Healthy Bodies Toolkit: A Parent’s Guide on Puberty [Adolescents and Young Adult]
No-Tech and Low-Tech AAC for Children [School-Age] ⤓
Parent's Guide to Psychological Evaluations for ASD ⤓
Planning Life After High School [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓ | Spanish | Arabic
Puberty, Sex, and Sexuality: An Introduction for Autistic Teens and Adults [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓ | Course
Navigating Puberty, Sex, & Sexuality: A Guide for Supporting Autistic Teens and Adults [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓ | Course
Selecting a Behavioral Services Provider: Tips and Resources ⤓
Setting and Pursuing Self-Determined Goals [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓ | Course
Sleep Strategies for Teens [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓
Strategies to Improve Sleep in Children [School-Age] ⤓
Taking the Work Out of Blood Work
Taking the Work Out of Blood Work and Needle Sticks: Helping Your Child with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability ⤓
Toilet Training [Early Childhood] ⤓ | Spanish | Arabic
Visual Supports and Autism Spectrum Disorders ⤓

‣ For Educators

Some materials under "Family/Caregiver/Self-Advocates" may be applicable for educators as well.

Addressing Mental Health Needs in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders PDF ⤓ | Course
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Tips and Resources for Librarians ⤓
Building Social Skills in Schools | Course
NEW  Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Autistic Students (Elementary) ⤓ | Course Coming Fall 2024!
NEW  Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Autistic Students (Adolescent) ⤓ | Course Coming Fall 2024!
Neurodiversity in School Age Populations | Course
Optimizing the Autism Eligibility Process in Schools: A Team-Based Approach ⤓ | Course
Peer-based intervention and ASD: Tips and Resources for Teachers ⤓
Teaching Communication Skills ⤓ | Course
Visual Supports and Autism Spectrum Disorders ⤓

‣ Resources En Español

Una breve guía para padres acerca del autismo: Información para padres de niños pequeños y preescolares / Autism Parent Guide [Early Childhood] ⤓
Una guía breve para padres sobre los trastornos del espectro autista: Información para los padres de niños en edad escolar / Autism Parent Guide [School-Age] ⤓
Healthy Bodies Toolkit: A Parent’s Guide on Puberty [Adolescents and Young Adult] / Manual de Cuerpos Sanos
AAC de Baja y No Tecnología para Niños en el Espectro Autista (ASD): Guía para Padres / No-Tech and Low-Tech AAC for Children [School-Age] ⤓
Planeando la vida después de la escuela secundaria (la prepa) para estudiantes con espectro autista Una guía para las familias de Tennessee / Planning Life After High School [Adolescents and Young Adult] ⤓
Aprender a usar el inodoro y trastorno del espectro autista / Toilet Training [Early Childhood] ⤓
Programa familias primero de TRIAD / TRIAD Families First Program ⤓
picture of autism brochures and fliers

Online Learning

Some resources above offer an interactive online course. Check our online learning portal to access these free courses!

  1. Go to
  2. Create a free account by clicking on “Register.” You will create a username and password. Fill out the form and select “TRIAD” under the doorway. You will receive an email verification. Once you do, click the link to verify your account and log in.
  3. Click on “Caregivers” to access the Caregiver Training Modules or on another category to access other BOTs.
  4. Click “open” for the series you would like to watch.
  5. Click “launch” for the training you want to watch and enjoy!

For other research, clinical or live training resources visit: