Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Tennessee Cares Network at
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Primary Care Provider Checklist


If a patient presents with concerns for Developmental Delay and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder, these are some recommended next steps.

If you have given a diagnosis of ASD or Developmental Delay, remember to give the family a paper copy of the diagnosis so they can share it with their insurance company, therapists, school, or with TEIS.

Click the arrow for details.

Refer to TEIS:

TEIS operates across 9 districts that consist of several counties. You can use the link above to find which district a family falls into, and can then give them that phone number to call with follow-up questions.

Put family in touch with their school district to learn about preschool special education.
You can find contact information for your patient’s school district at:

If families have questions about school services or have trouble accessing them:

  • Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) or other early developmental behavioral intervention
  • Speech-language evaluation
    (If speech delay is present, consider referral for Audiology Evaluation)
  • Occupational therapy evaluation
    (Fine motor concerns, sensory sensitivities that interfere)
  • Medical specialist follow-Up
    (i.e. Genetics, Sleep, Neurology, GI)

For more information contact:

Toll free: (877) ASD-VUMC (273-8862)

The Tennessee Cares Network at Vanderbilt University Medical Center is funded through the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) and the Autism CARES Act #H6MMC332360100