Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders



TRIAD offers FREE* resources and trainings on:

  • Evidence-based practices to meet the needs of all students, including neurodivergent students
  • Behavioral strategies to promote the safety, engagement, independence or inclusion of students with challenging behavior
  • Building capacity within your school or district

*This is made available through a partnership with the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) through the Tennessee Department of Education.


Online Learning

Visit TRIAD’s online learning portal to access trainings and resources on evidence-based practices for neurodivergent individuals. Set up a free account, work through trainings, then download the professional development transcript.
Get Started ➔


Printable Resources

Download, view, or print resources produced by VKC TRIAD. Resources are designed to expand awareness, skills, attitudes, and practices for all students, including neurodivergent students.
View Evidence-Based Practice Resources ➔

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Autism Training and Technical Assistance

TRIAD, the autism institute at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, provides training, consultation, and coaching services for supporting educators and developing school and system-wide supports to address needs specific to autistic students, Pre-K-12.
View and Register for Trainings ➔

woman on computer

Intensive and Targeted Behavior Technical Assistance

TRIAD’s Intensive Behavior Services Team partners with teams of education professionals to improve the safety, engagement, inclusion, and independence for students with severe and complex behavior needs through intensive (student-specific consultation) and targeted (professional development) technical assistance.
Learn More ➔

female teacher siting with frustrated boy
Do you need more information or assistance with finding training, resources, or supports?


Opportunities for Health Professionals and Providers

Early Intervention Services. In collaboration with Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS), we provide training and consultation to qualifying families of children currently enrolled in TEIS services across the state of TN. Professional development opportunities and trainings also available for TEIS providers. Learn more.

Diagnostic Trainings. TRIAD provides interactive training for professionals to learn more about screening and diagnostic tools for individuals with autism. Learn more.

Note About Identity Language

We recognize the words we use to describe and define individuals and groups of people are powerful. In most cases, TRIAD uses identity-first language (“autistic person,” rather than “person with autism”) which is preferred by many autistic people, including TRIAD’s autistic advisors. For more information read here. This is in recognition that identity-first language is a growing and important part of autism culture as it more directly appreciates the value and worth of autistic persons by acknowledging autism as a central part of identity. Further, it is in recognition that TRIAD does not treat or intervene on autism. That would be impossible. Instead, we strive to help autistic learners gain skills to support their ability to contact and maintain self-determined success, happiness, and joy. If you would like to learn more, this post on the Autistic Self Advocacy Network website is a great place to start.

TRIAD is a proud member of the Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN) through the Tennessee Department of Education. Click here to learn more about services provided by the network or to request assistance.