2023 VKC Science Day set for Nov. 30; Call for Posters opens on July 3

The Call for Poster Abstracts for the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center's annual VKC Science Day event will open on Monday, July 3, and will have two important deadlines to consider when submitting a poster abstract. The link to the REDCap portal will be posted here and on the Science Day website on July 3, and will be sent to VKC members, investigators and students through Monday Morning Message and in a dedicated email.

Poster presenters who want to compete in the annual Science Day Poster Competition will have until 11:59 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18, to complete their abstract submittal through REDCap. Those who want to present but do not want to enter the competition have until the final deadline of 11:59 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8. Incomplete poster abstracts will not be accepted.

2023 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day will take place Thursday, Nov. 30, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at Vanderbilt University Student Life Center. Posters will be hung in the Commodore Ballroom from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Science Day festivities will include lunch, poster sessions, a keynote, and a Data Blitz, closing with a wine/cheese reception. More information will be posted on the VKC Science Day webpage as well as the 2023 Science Day Events Calendar page as details are confirmed.

Each year, more than 100 posters are presented by undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research faculty, and research staff conducting research in labs or research programs of VKC members and investigators. Cash prizes are awarded to an undergraduate student, graduate student, and postdoctoral fellow for best research poster in each of the following research themes:

  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
  • Clinical, Behavioral, Education, and Intervention Research
  • Systems Neuroscience

In addition, all poster presenters (first authors) become VKC Affiliates and are eligible to compete for VKC travel awards to present at a scientific or professional conference in the next year. Posters presented at other scientific or professional meetings within the last year are eligible for submission.

Call for Posters: 2023 Poster Competition and Data Blitz Participation

Out of those poster presenters who choose to compete, up to seven winners will be chosen: one undergraduate overall winner and one graduate and postdoctoral presenter from each of the three themes above. These winners will each be eligible for a $250 Warren Lambert Award in the form of a cash prize or supplemental travel award funding.

Of those competing, Science Day Theme Committee members will select the strongest abstracts from their respective themes to become presentations for the annual Data Blitz presentation.

Email Elizabeth Turner with any questions.

Register to attend

Abstract submission does not mean that you are registered to attend Science Day. Please register to attend by visiting the Science Day Events page. Advance registration will aid in nametags and catering requests.

A Tradition With Innovation

The goals of the annual VKC Science Day are to promote “centeredness” by providing a scientific forum; to provide an opportunity to present significant research findings; and to encourage research collaboration.

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center supports basic/molecular, applied, and clinical research and training. The VKC has more than 300 faculty researchers, staff, and affiliate members working together across disciplines to create basic and clinical scientific discoveries, to translate research into best practices, and to train the next generation of researchers and practitioners. The ultimate goal is to make positive differences in the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Last Updated: 6/27/2023 12:25:12 PM

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