The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and Friends Life Community present this free art exhibit created by individuals with disabilities. From a Mermaid’s Dress, to Sam as Miles Morales as Spider-man, to Elvis and a Red Headed Stranger, these works are in and of a world beyond our own. Stories of mythical places are coming to life in the visual realm—identities and imaginations are expanding.
The mission of Friends Life Community is to create an opportunity for teenagers and adults with disabilities to develop socially, grow personally, and enjoy community as they experience life together. Artists with developmental disabilities at Friends Life Community create original artwork that tells their own story. The process of self-expression and discovery is a way for these artists to communicate who they are and what is important to them. They connect with others through sharing their artwork in exhibitions and working collaboratively. Art available for purchase. View this PDF file with more information or email
Works are displayed through January 2024 at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center.
Lain York, Preparator.
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center/One Magnolia Circle Building [Lobby]
Vanderbilt University Campus, 110 Magnolia Circle, Nashville, TN
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Last Updated: 12/6/2023 9:41:19 AM
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