This Kennedy Center lecture was presented on January 28, 2025
Whatever our perspective – trainees and students, researchers, health care professionals, service providers, educators, individuals with disabilities or family members, or simply concerned citizens – we see ways that the disability service system can be improved. One dimension of changing service systems is educating legislators and other public policy makers.
Co-hosted by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center's Megan Hart and Courtney Taylor, this year's Educate to Advocate will feature policy expertise of representatives from the VKC, the Tennessee Developmental Disabilities Council, The Arc Tennessee, Tennessee Disability Coalition, and Disability Rights Tennessee.
On The Agenda:
- How Policy Works: Zoë Jamail, Disability Rights Tennessee
- Hot Topics in Disability Policy: Emma Shouse, Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities
- The Collective Efforts of Advocacy: Panel discussion with Jeff Strand, Tennessee Disability Coalition; Shannikka Sherrill, parent; Robbie Faulkner, The Arc Tennessee; and John Staubitz, VKC TRIAD
Last Updated: 1/29/2025 3:35:19 PM
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