Meghan M. Burke, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Professor of Special Education

VKC Member

Overview of Interests

Dr. Burke's primary line of research includes developing and testing interventions to improve access to services and, ultimately, functioning among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. All of her research focuses on individuals with IDD and their families (primarily parents and siblings); most of her research specifically focuses on autism. More recently, her funded research has focused on measure development and technological tools-both of which are NICHD research priorities. For example, in her R34 NIMH grant, she is developing a measure to characterize service access among individuals with autism from low-resourced communities. In response to a recent FOA from NIMH, she plans to use the R34 preliminary data to scale that work up to an R01 to examine the sensitivity, validity, reliability, and cultural responsiveness of the service access measure. With respect to technology, she has developed an app to help autistic individuals and/or their families connect to services.
