Sunil Kripalani, M.D., M.Sc.

2525 West End Ave, Ste 1200

Sunil Kripalani, M.D., M.Sc.

Professor of Medicine; Vice President of Health System Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

VKC Member

Overview of Interests

Dr. Kripalani directs the Center for Health Services Research and the Center for Clinical Quality and Implementation Research at VUMC. His research broadly seeks to improve health care delivery and health outcomes by optimizing quality, value, and patient-centered care. Dr. Kripalani's specific interests include health communication, medication safety, care transitions, implementation of evidence-based practice, and de-implementation of low-value care. Central to the field of implementation science is attention to stakeholder views, consideration of barriers and facilitators to uptake of evidence-based practices, adaptation of interventions to contextual factors, selection of appropriate strategies for implementation with the target audience, and dissemination of findings to various stakeholders.
