Movement and Imitation in Children and Adolescents with or without ASD

Principal Investigator: Emelyne Bingham


The purpose of this study is to learn more about the use of gesture to help typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

You and your child will be asked to come to Vanderbilt for one visit. During this visit, you will answer some questions about your child. Your child will first answer some questions, and then watch some short videos while speaking along with them. They may be asked to imitate some gestures.

The session should take 60-90 minutes.

What is involved?

  • One 60-90 minute session at Vanderbilt
  • Caregivers will be asked to complete a questionnaire
  • Children will answer questions, speak along with some short video clips, and perhaps imitate some gestures.

Participant Criteria

8-17 years of age with autism spectrum disorder OR typically developing. Some language ability is required.


Child will receive a $10 gift card and small toy.

Visit Requirements

One 60-90 minute visit

Contact Information

Emelyne Bingham, M.M.
(615) 322-4924

Last Updated: Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Enter your name and contact information and this study's coordinators will contact you if there are openings available.