The Britt Henderson Training Series for Educators
This annual series of workshops provides training for school teams that include both general and special educators. Workshops focus on innovative evidence-based practices to improve the quality of education for students with diverse learning needs. Founded in 1996, the Britt Henderson Training Series is made possible at no cost to participating schools through an endowment from the Robert and Carol Henderson family in memory of their son Britt.
Individuals and school teams are welcome to attend. When possible, school teams (e.g., general and special educators, behavior specialists, counselors, school administrators) are encouraged to attend. Participation is open to public and private schools, as well as community organizations and community members.
2025 Series: Collaboration and Advocacy in IEP Meetings
This year's Brett Henderson Training Series session, titled "Collaboration and Advocacy in IEP Meetings," focuses on innovative strategies to design, communicate, and implement a collaborative IEP for students in your school.
This is a three-week training held on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:30 p.m. CST via Zoom. This year's dates are:
- March 27: Before the IEP Meeting
- April 3: During the IEP Meeting
- April 10: After the IEP Meeting
To participate in this year's program, interested participants must:
- 1. Be currently employed at one or more public schools;
- 2. Be currently working in one of the following roles: special or general education teacher, administrator, or related service provider (ex. speech language pathologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, etc.);
- 3. Participate in the development of IEPs;
- 4. Attend the three sessions of the training; and
- 5. Be over the age of 18.
Participants will be given electronic access to each training session's PowerPoints along with relevant materials. For each training session, the participant will be expected to read pertinent materials, have their cameras on, and be actively engaged in the discussion. There is no cost for this program. Participants have the option of choosing a "Program Feedback" or "Non Program Feedback" Track.
Each participant on the "Program Feedback" Track who attends all three sessions and completes formative and summative evaluation questions will receive a certificate for five hours of Professional Development credits and will have the opportunity to earn up to a $60 gift card. Each participant on the "Non Program Feedback" Track who attends all four sessions will receive a certificate for five hours of Professional Development credit.
Facilitators will enroll a maximum of 50 participants in the "Program Feedback" track of this program. If applications outnumber available spots, they will share additional ways to engage with the content in a future training session.
For more information about "Collaboration and Advocacy in IEP Meetings," email facilitators Isabel Teixeira or Madeline Chastain.
Questions about the Henderson Training Series? Email