Services for Professionals
For more than five decades, the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center has served as a laboratory for developing, evaluating, and disseminating innovative assessments, interventions, and educational practices for individuals with diverse behavioral and learning needs.
Autism Training—TRIAD
The Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders is committed to the provision of exemplary autism-specific training to parents, service providers, and future professionals, including training programs for teachers and school systems.
Britt Henderson Training Series for Educators
This annual series of workshops provides training for general and special education teachers, with the goal of improving the quality of education for students with diverse learning needs in inclusive settings and preparing students in special education for postsecondary education and/or employment.
Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and /developmental Disabilities: Toolkit for Primary Care Providers
Covers General Issues, Physical Health Issues, Health Watch Tables, and Behavioral and Mental Health Issues
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) (Affiliate)
PALS Reading and PALS Math enable classroom teachers to accommodate diverse learners and to help a large proportion of these students achieve success.
Transition Tennessee
VKC researchers are partnering with the Tennessee Department of Education to provide training and technical assistance to implement best practices for the transition following high school.
Tennessee’s web hub for information related to employment of people with disabilities