University Center for Excellence In Developmental Disabilities
Education, Research and Service


The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) provides innovative leadership in education, research and discovery, interdisciplinary training, and service to promote the independence, self determination, community integration, and inclusion of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan and supports their families by the following principles:

  • Strength-based perspective and individualized services and supports;
  • Systems improvement; and
  • Public/private collaboration.

Areas of Emphasis

Our activities fall into four main themes, or what we call our areas of emphasis: Education and Early Intervention, Employment, Health and Mental Health, and Quality of Life.

Core Functions

In all four areas of emphasis, our faculty and staff are engaged in:

Part of National and Statewide Networks

UCEDD Co-Directors

Core Directors

The VKC UCEDD is funded by the Administration For Community Living Grant #9DDUC0077.