VKC UCEDD Dissemination

The VKC UCEDD shares what is learned through research and model programs so that others can use this information. Accessible information is provided to persons with disabilities, families, trainees, professionals, direct service providers, advocates, and policy makers. We strive to integrate service, training, research, and dissemination across all UCEDD projects.

The UCEDD produces tip sheets, brochures, booklets, videos, and web-based materials. For the most comprehensive listing, see:

Information and Dissemination projects and activities include:

  • Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: the IDD Toolkit for Primary Care Providers offers health care providers best-practice tools and information on medical and behavioral issues. Funded by Special Hope Foundation, based on Canadian Consensus Guidelines and Tools for the Primary Care of People with Developmental Disabilities (Surrey Place, 2011), adapted for U.S. use;
  • Notables, a monthly electronic newsletter that highlights training, service. research, and dissemination;
  • Tennessee Adult Brothers and Sisters (TABS), which provides information and support for siblings, including an annual conference;
  • Tennessee Inclusive Higher Education Alliance, formed to increase awareness about the need for postsecondary opportunities in Tennessee, to gather information about postsecondary programs in other states, and to develop a pilot program on a Tennessee college campus;
  • Tennessee Disability Pathfinder, a free statewide, multilingual clearinghouse of disability resources. Phone helpline, website with searchable services database and Community Calendar, and Multicultural Outreach Program. A partnership with state agencies;
  • Tennessee Kindred Stories of Disability, a collaboration between the VKC and The Arc Tennessee to produce a collection of stories that highlight the challenges individuals with disabilities and their families face as they navigate service systems and supports;
  • TennesseeWorks, a federally funded Project of National Significance charged with spurring systems change and building greater capacity and commitment for supporting competitive employment.

UCEDD Co-Directors

Core Directors

The VKC UCEDD is funded by the Administration For Community Living Grant #9DDUC0077.