Studies Related to Typically developing adults current as of Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Click on the study title below to receive contact information, brochures and more in-depth information.

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Help us better understand sensory processing differences

Looking For:
Teens and young adults between 10 and 21 years old with normal hearing and normal or corrected-to-normal vision


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How do emotions affect your brain?

Looking For:

  • All participants must be between 12 and 23 years of age
  • Must have smartphone (Android or iPhone)

Participants will be compensated with a $100 gift card for completing all tasks.

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Neuroimaging of Veterans with PTSD

Looking For:
War veterans (ages 21-40) who were exposed to combat trauma as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, or Operation New Dawn.

You will be compensated $125.00 for completing the study.

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Rhythm and Communication in Adults Study

Looking For:
18-40 years old, native English speaker, Male/Male-identifying

$25-75 in gift cards.

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Social Connectedness and Health in Families Study

Looking For:
Parent and their adolescent/young adult children (ages 10-39)

Yes. For completing the surveys and in-person visit, each participant will receive $100 in the form of an electronic gift card.

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Stress and Emotions in the Lives of Families

Looking For:
Caregivers who have at least one child between the ages of 10 and 15

For completing all questionnaires and lab-based tasks, families can earn up to $100; caregivers will be paid $50, and children will be paid $50.

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Survey for Social Wellbeing

Looking For:
Anyone is welcome to participate


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Survey for Social Wellbeing (Spanish Version)

Looking For:
Anyone is welcome to participate


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Looking For:

Volunteers searching for depression, bipolar disorder and mood research nationally.



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Research Match is a free and safe national website that matches research volunteers with researchers looking for participants. Registries for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities are now available on ResearchMatch. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, or condition. Visit to learn more and to join today.