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Click on the study title below to receive contact information, brochures and more in-depth information.
Down Syndrome Study for Adults
Looking For:Between 25-55 years of age, diagnosed with Down Syndrome, in good general health with no diagnosis of dementia
Learning to Drum in Children with Down Syndrome
Looking For:Children with Down syndrome aged 7-12
Peer Empowerment Network: Creating Mentorships between Adults with IDD for Employment Support
Looking For:Adults with IDD (18 and older)
Transition Planning for Youth who Use AAC
Looking For:Young adults who use AAC (aged 18-26) and their parents, special education teachers, and speech-language pathologists
Understanding the Needs of Tennesseans with Disabilities: A Statewide Community Needs Assessment
Looking For:18 years or older
Vanderbilt Down Syndrome Research Registry
Looking For:Individuals with Down syndrome
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Research is a free and safe national website that matches research volunteers with researchers looking for participants. Registries for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities are now available on ResearchMatch. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, or condition. Visit to learn more and to join today.