Studies Related to Toddlers current as of Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Click on the study title below to receive contact information, brochures and more in-depth information.

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Autism and Language Development in Toddlers

Looking For:
Children 18-36 months of age with autism or with concerns about their social interaction or language development or children 12-36 months without autism.


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Children’s use of video as a source of socially-relevant information

Looking For:

Children who are between 23.5-25.5 months old and their parent or guardian. Your child should have no major health issues or hearing loss from after birth. Additionally, English is the primary language your child should be learning to participate in this study.

At the end of the visit, your child will take home a small prize of his or her choice. Parking is provided.

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Music and Games Study for Preschoolers and their Caregivers

Looking For:
Typically developing children ages 3-5 years and one of their parents/caregivers

Yes, $25

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Music Class for Children and their Caregivers

Looking For:
Children ages 2-4 years and their parents. Participants must have primarily English language exposure.

Up to $100 in gift cards.

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Online Study of Listening Behavior of Children with Autism

Looking For:
We are looking for caregivers of children with autism who have normal hearing and are between the ages of 18 months – 18 years.


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Seeding Success Early Book Sharing Study

Looking For:
Spanish-speaking caregivers of children 15-30 months old


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The Children's eBook Project

Looking For:
Children between the ages of 33 - 60 months and a parent/guardian.

As a thank you for your participation your child will receive a children’s book or small toy,

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The Effects of Visual and Auditory Stimulation on Exploration in Infancy

Looking For:

12-24 month infants with hearing loss

A T-shirt, toy or book, as well as $25.

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Vanderbilt Autism Research Registry

Looking For:
Children and adults who have a diagnosis of autism


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Vanderbilt Down Syndrome Research Registry

Looking For:
Individuals with Down syndrome


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Word Learning from Verbal Descriptions

Looking For:

2- to 5-year-old children

Children receive a toy or book for taking part.

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Words for Thoughts and Feelings

Looking For:

Children ages 3-6


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Would you like to help us learn more about younger siblings of children with autism?

Looking For:
You are the parent of a child with or without autism. Your child with or without autism has a younger sibling who is 12-18 months old.

Participants will be compensated $20 per hour.

More about this Study

Young Children's Language Development

Looking For:
Children ages 3;0-5;11

Participants will receive up to $50 as compensation for their time.


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Research Match is a free and safe national website that matches research volunteers with researchers looking for participants. Registries for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities are now available on ResearchMatch. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, or condition. Visit to learn more and to join today.