Administrative Services [Core A]

Director - Jeffrey Neul, M.D., Ph.D.


The primary objectives of Administrative Core A are to:

  • Provide scientific leadership and administrative/financial oversight of the research cores and research component project
  • Facilitate multidisciplinary research
  • Recruit new researchers to the IDDRC
  • Maintain an educational environment to engage investigators, trainees, and community stakeholders
  • Enable communication, dissemination, and implementaiton of IDDRC activities targeted to a variety of stakeholders

To learn more about Core A and its services, watch the Core A Overview webinar.

Core A Services

Core A services may be requested through the Core A service request form (button at left).
  • Center Administration, Core Oversight, and Governance

  • Fiscal and Resource Management

    Overall IDDRC fiscal and resource management. Administration of IDD-related grants and contracts, including personnel and purchasing. Administration of Nicholas Hobbs Discovery Awards, Director's Strategic Priorities Grants, and other philanthropy.
  • Space and Facilities

    Physical maintenance, housekeeping, security, room reservation, parking. Allocation of VKC-administered space.
  • Training and Education

    Training and Education activities, e.g., lecture series, workshops, conferences. Administration of Travel Grants for Affiliates and IDDRC Collaborative Scholarships.
  • Graphics and Technical Services

    Graphics services for brochures, fliers, newsletters; journal figures; photography; images and design for electronic and print media. IT services for specialized IDDRC-related needs.
  • Communication and Dissemination

    Communication activities include websites, social media, print materials, and dissemination services.
  • Implementation Science Consultations

    Consultative services to IDDRC investigators to develop plans for carrying out and evaluating implementation efforts.

Key Personnel