Studies Related to Children with disabilities current as of Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Click on the study title below to receive contact information, brochures and more in-depth information.

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Autism and Language Development in Toddlers

Looking For:
Children 18-36 months of age with autism or with concerns about their social interaction or language development or children 12-36 months without autism.


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Child Language & Literacy Lab

Looking For:

Preschool and school-age children

Language evaluations at no cost to you.

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Does your child like to play computer games?

Looking For:
Individuals 7 to 24 with autism or who are typically developing

$10 per half hour of study completed in the form of a gift card

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EMT en Español: Early communication intervention to support school readiness skills for Spanish-speaking toddlers with language delays

Looking For:
Spanish-speaking toddlers 30 to 36 months old with language delays

Up to $325 in cash + about $100 worth of toys and books

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Family GAMEs Study

Looking For:
4-8-year-old children


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Help us discover how Deaf and hard of hearing children learn to read

Looking For:
d/Deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing children ages 10-17 years old who use sign language and/or oral language, or both. No cochlear implants due to use of the MRI.


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Increasing Word Learning Efficiency in Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing through Retrieval Practice

Looking For:
5- to 8-year-old children who are deaf and hard of hearing and use spoken English (may also use sign language)

$25 for eligibility session; $200 for completing word learning sessions

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Investigating Social Competence in Youth with Autism

Looking For:

  • Have an Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Are between 10 and 16 years of age


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Learning to Drum in Children with Down Syndrome

Looking For:
Children with Down syndrome aged 7-12


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Mental Health and Behavioral Health Needs Survey

Looking For:
Parents and caregivers in Tennessee who have a child with a disability (between the ages of 1.5-22) who also has a mental or behavioral health concern

25 respondents completing the survey will be randomly selected to receive a $25 target gift card

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Movement and Imitation in Children and Adolescents with or without ASD

Looking For:
8-17 years of age with autism spectrum disorder OR typically developing. Some language ability is required.

Child will receive a $10 gift card and small toy.

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Online Study of Listening Behavior of Children with Autism

Looking For:
We are looking for caregivers of children with autism who have normal hearing and are between the ages of 18 months – 18 years.


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Pubertal Development in Youth With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder

Looking For:
We are looking for a large number of boys and girls who will be enrolled at ages 8-13 and followed annually over 4 years. These children would either have confirmed (or suspected) Autism Spectrum Disorder or be typically developing.

Up to $100 per year for 4 years, up to $400 total

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Reading Study for Kindergarteners

Looking For:
Children currently in Kindergarten, with or without reading disabilities, English as first language.

Check for $50 after initial screening visit is completed.

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Remote Microphone (RM) System Use in the Home

Looking For:
Families with a child between the ages of 3 to 6 years old diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


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Seeding Success Early Book Sharing Study

Looking For:
Spanish-speaking caregivers of children 15-30 months old


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Sign up to learn more about the Child Studies Group’s play-based studies!

Looking For:
Children who are between 2 months and 16 years of age and their parent or guardian.

At the end of the visit, your child will take home a small prize of his or her choice. Parking is provided. Some studies may also compensate with cash!

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Special Education Teachers' and Board Certified Behavior Analysts' Perceptions of Self-Determination of Students with Complex Communication Needs in Grades K-5

Looking For:
Special education teacher or board certified behavior analyst who works with individuals in grades K-5 with limited verbal speech

Chance to win one of five $50 gift cards

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TALK ASD project

Looking For:

Children aged 5-7 years old who have autism spectrum disorder OR who are typically developing who:

  • are likely to wear a stretchy cap on their head
  • are comfortable sitting relatively still at a computer for 15-minutes at a time
  • have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing.

$20 gift card at each visit & an outer space goodie bag upon completion

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The Effects of Visual and Auditory Stimulation on Exploration in Infancy

Looking For:

12-24 month infants with hearing loss

A T-shirt, toy or book, as well as $25.

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Transition Experiences of Black Youth with Autism

Looking For:
Parent/Caregiver for Autistic Black youth who are between the ages of 14-24

$50 gift card for Target or Amazon

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Understanding the Needs of Tennesseans with Disabilities: A Statewide Community Needs Assessment

Looking For:
18 years or older


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Vanderbilt Autism Research Registry

Looking For:
Children and adults who have a diagnosis of autism


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Vanderbilt Down Syndrome Research Registry

Looking For:
Individuals with Down syndrome


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Voices of Tennessee Direct Support Professionals

Looking For:
18 years or older Direct Support Professional

Raffle for $25 gift card

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Words for Thoughts and Feelings

Looking For:

Children ages 3-6


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Would you like to help us learn more about younger siblings of children with autism?

Looking For:
You are the parent of a child with or without autism. Your child with or without autism has a younger sibling who is 12-18 months old.

Participants will be compensated $20 per hour.


To be notified when you are a possible match for a research study looking for participants, register with Vanderbilt's ResearchMatch at the link below.

Research Match is a free and safe national website that matches research volunteers with researchers looking for participants. Registries for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities are now available on ResearchMatch. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, or condition. Visit to learn more and to join today.